TEKZ's tax consultants have years of experience in the field of withholding taxes. We work for
(multi-)national clients in both the profit and non-profit sectors. In addition, TEKZ's tax consultants guarantee an efficient approach to the complex issues that sometimes arise in the field of withholding taxes, such as:
- Tax assessment of (fringe) benefits;
- Expenses deduction schemes;
- Work-related expenses scheme;
- Employee participation plans;
- Lucrative interest;
- Support for withholding tax audits by the Tax Authorities;
- Withholding tax (vendor) due diligence on mergers and acquisitions;
- Periodic withholding tax scans;
- Handling objection, appeal and cassation proceedings;
- Horizontal monitoring;
- Tax control framework for withholding taxes;
- Tax assessment of social plans and severance payments upon termination of employment (early retirement scheme);
- Recipients' liability and vicarious tax liability (system whereby the main contractor is ultimately responsible for the tax and national insurance liabilities of subcontractors).
Our specialists